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Raster-Noton lecture and workshop on the musical and non-musical world

Raster Noton, a world-famous experimental music unit and label,
With sound artist Karsten Nikolai (aka alva noto) and musician
It is led by graphic designer Olaf Bender (aka byetone).
Visually capturing noise as rhythm and sound waves as graphics,
Known for his unique approach to music in physics.
As part of the Raster Noton Japan performance at the Tokyo German Cultural Center,
We organized a lecture and workshop entitled "Musical and Non-Musical World".
Following the lecture by Mr. Nikolai and Mr. Vendor with images and sounds, ICC curator
There will be a discussion by Mr. Minoru Hatanaka.
After that, there is a question and answer time with the artist.


日時:2010年11月23日(祝)16 時開演
Tel:03-3584-3201  メール:veranstaltung@tokyo.goethe.org
イベント詳細 <http://www.goethe.de/ins/jp/tok/ver/ja6734608v.htm>
会場へのアクセス <http://www.goethe.de/ins/jp/tok/uun/anf/jaindex.htm

主催:commmons, 東京ドイツ文化センター