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Tono Tamami

Since 1989, Tono Tamami has been participating in performances organized by the National Theatre of Japan. She is a unique musician involved in the performance and creation of music in various genres, from traditional Japanese Gagaku to contemporary music. She has performed at home and abroad in projects such as The Silk Road Project initiated by the cellist Yo-Yo Ma, and has been invited to the CCMIX (Centre de Creation Musicale Iannis Xenakis in Paris). Tono Tamami has won numerous awards within Japan and overseas for composing and playing her sho, such as the ISCM, ICMC, the 1st prize at the National Theater Composition Competition, the Agency for Cultural Affairs' Special Incentive Award for Performing Arts Creation, and the Encouragement Award for Japanese Culture and Art. She was in charge of the music at events like the HERMES Tokyo Opening and the JAXA Space Dance Project "HITEN." Tono Tamami has worked and recorded with Ryuichi Sakamoto since 1999. She has also worked on CD recordings for all the tracks on John Cage's "Two3, Two4" and "Scenes of Spirits." She has actively participated in the "Breathing Media Arts" and "From The Eurasian Edge" projects and belongs to the Reigakusha Gagaku Ensemble. This CD is her first production and album under her name.

Tono Tamami

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