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kotringo new album recording broadcast LIVE on USTREAM & nico nico Live


kotringo' s new album titled "tsubame novelette" will be out on the 16th of January, 2013.

kotringo and her band members Shige Murata (B. -□□□, Cubismo Grafico Five, Circle Darko) and Jumpei Kamiya (Akai Kutsu) is now recording the album for three days from 13/11 to 15/11.
The whole recording sessions are broadcast live on USTREAM and nico nico Live!!!
12 hour recording times 3 in total is broadcast!!! Don't miss it!!!

*tsubame is swallow in Japanese.

the path of "tsubame novelette" - kotringo new album recording LIVE broadcast
13/11/2013 - 15/11/2013 3DAYS
12pm - 12am

Shige Murata
Jumpei Kamiya



nico nico Live
13th http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv114731730 14th http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv115143330 15th http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv115152147